
Oats is a genus of annual herbaceous plants, including several subspecies of crops (sowing, fodder, common). The most popular type is the oats. It is grown not only as a food crop, but also as a fodder crop. Oat grain is tightly wrapped with leathery flower scales with a longitudinal groove. It is customary to refer to the genus of oats about 40 species grown almost all over the world.


This grain crop is able to ripen in a climate with a short solar period – from 75 to 120 days. Oat seeds are able to withstand frost and germinate at temperatures as low as 2 degrees Celsius. That is why oats are grown in almost all regions of Russia, including the central and northern regions.

The harvest of oats is harvested by combines. The ear of culture has large multi-flowered spikelets covered with a soft film, which allows you to simply process the spikelets and get clean grain for production.


Oats are a crop rich in vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. If in ancient times oats were used in folk medicine, now they are used on an industrial scale in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and even cooking. The grain of oats contains about 50% starch, about 7% fat, about 15% protein (the second largest content of substances after buckwheat). Oat seeds contain essential amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan; gum, essential oils, a whole set of vitamins: B1, B2, B6, K, carotene, as well as pathogenic and nicotinic acids. Oat seeds also contain potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, chromium, zinc, fluorine, nickel, iodine, sulfur.